Afia Schwarzenegger Slams NDC MPs for 'Commissioning' National Cathedral Project

In a vocal critique, Ghanaian socialite Afia Schwarzenegger has condemned some members of the Minority Caucus in Parliament, including MPs Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Samuel Nartey George, and Nii Lante Vanderpuye, for their recent 'commissioning' of the unfinished National Cathedral project as a means to mock the government. She labeled their actions as 'childish' and unsuitable given their influential roles in society.

Related To This: NDC MPs Commission Unfinished National Cathedral Project

Questioning the motives behind the MPs' behavior, Afia Schwarzenegger raised comparisons to former President John Dramani Mahama's project completion record, insinuating that such antics demonstrate immaturity rather than genuine political engagement. She further suggested that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) might face prolonged opposition due to what she perceives as their ineffective approach to criticizing President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo's administration.

In a social media post reacting to the National Cathedral 'commissioning' by the NDC MPs, Afia Schwarzenegger expressed her disdain, highlighting the irony in their actions and juxtaposing their behavior with past governance shortcomings.

Related To This: Stop Politicizing National Cathedral Project and Find a Campaign Message - NPP's Communication Director to NDC

Despite facing resistance from security personnel, the Minority MPs proceeded with their symbolic commissioning event at the construction site of the National Cathedral. The act was viewed as a satirical response to the government's previously announced inauguration plans, as outlined in former finance minister Ken Ofori-Atta's 2021 budget speech.

Led by Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the MPs carried out a mock commissioning ceremony, complete with symbolic ribbons and balloons, culminating in a statement read by Ablakwa outlining the Minority's demands and concerns regarding the cathedral project.

READ ALSO: I Ended up in a Psychiatric Hospital Because of Broken Heart - Sista Afia


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