Stop Politicizing National Cathedral Project and Find a Campaign Message - NPP's Communication Director to NDC

The Communications Director of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah, has called on the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to steer clear of politicizing the National Cathedral initiative. 

Instead of engaging in political maneuvers around the project, he encouraged the NDC to concentrate on developing a campaign message that resonates with the Ghanaian electorate in preparation for the upcoming December elections.

Related To This: NDC MPs Commission Unfinished National Cathedral Project

In a statement released on X, Mr. Ahiagbah defended the expenditure for the National Cathedral project, even at its current foundation stage. He emphasized that the foundation is emblematic of the project's essence, hence the associated costs. Mr. Ahiagbah cautioned the public against falling for any attempts by the NDC to exploit the National Cathedral project for political advantage in the impending elections.

The statement articulated: "There are those who are trying to belittle the noble task of constructing a National Cathedral in honor of God. However, this is misguided because every construction begins with groundwork, and for a prestigious project like the National Cathedral we are envisioning, the foundation signifies the core of the initiative, warranting the financial allocation."

Mr. Ahiagbah reinforced the notion that the Cathedral project is a continual endeavor that will reach fulfillment through perseverance. His message was clear: the NDC should focus on crafting a substantive campaign narrative rather than politicizing the National Cathedral venture.

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This position was prompted by a symbolic commissioning of the incomplete National Cathedral project by certain Minority Members of Parliament, including North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa. The act was intended to draw public attention to what they perceived as the government's delays in completing the project.

Initially prevented by security personnel from entering the construction site, the Minority MPs eventually congregated at the entrance after negotiations. They utilized this forum to conduct a press briefing expressing their discontent with the ongoing project and its financial implications.

The gesture of symbolically commissioning the unfinished National Cathedral underscored the opposition MPs' criticisms towards what they deemed as the government's inadequacies in managing the project. Through these actions, the NDC sought to signal their resistance to what they viewed as poor handling of the National Cathedral undertaking.


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