Akufo-Addo’s Ministerial Reshuffle is Politically Motivated - Minority

Members of Parliament (MPs) from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have voiced their disapproval of the recent ministerial reshuffle, with accusations of it being politically motivated rather than a move to enhance governance efficiency.

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Remarks by Kwabena Mintah Akandoh

Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, the Ranking Member on the Health Committee of Parliament, asserted that the reshuffle was orchestrated with electoral gains in mind, rather than a genuine effort to improve governance. Speaking to JoyNews on February 14, he expressed skepticism about the reshuffle benefiting the nation, highlighting the perceived agenda of favoring electoral prospects over the welfare of the populace.

Critique of Timing and Intent

Akandoh emphasized that with just nine months remaining until the election, the reshuffle had little potential to rectify existing challenges in crucial ministries like Health. He criticized the timing of the changes, suggesting that if genuine improvements were the goal, they should have been implemented earlier, especially citing the controversies surrounding the Health Ministry during the Sputnik investigation.

Comments from Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the North Tongu MP, echoed similar sentiments, stating that the reshuffle came too late to address the nation's economic decline effectively. He criticized the administration for not responding to previous calls for change despite widespread dissatisfaction and economic challenges faced by the country.

Concerns Over Economic Performance

Ablakwa expressed disappointment over the government's economic performance, citing downgrades by rating agencies, financial difficulties leading to defaults, and unprecedented actions within the ruling party signaling dissatisfaction with the Finance Minister's performance.

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Late Moves in a Lame-Duck Period

The MPs underscored their belief that the changes introduced at this juncture, with the end of the administration approaching, raised doubts about the effectiveness and intentions behind the reshuffle. They questioned the potential outcomes of significant changes made in the twilight of the President's term.

Key Ministerial Exits

The reshuffle, announced by President Akufo-Addo on February 14, saw the departure of key figures such as Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman Manu and Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta from their respective positions.

The criticism from the NDC MPs illustrates a perspective skeptical of the reshuffle's timing, efficacy, and underlying motivations, highlighting concerns over governance priorities and economic management as Ghana approaches a crucial election period.


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