Finance Ministry's Warning on Anti-LGBT+ Bill Impact on Aid "Hollow" and "Alarmist - NDC Legal Affairs Head

The Head of Legal Affairs of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Godwin Edudzi Tameklo, has raised concerns over the Ministry of Finance's recent warning that Ghana could lose $3.8 billion in aid if the president signs the Anti-LGBT+ Bill into law. Tameklo, speaking on Joy News, described the claim as "hollow" and "alarmist," lacking factual or legal basis.

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He argued that Ghana's engagements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are contractual, emphasizing that the funds provided by the IMF are loans, not gifts. Tameklo highlighted that the IMF's support comes with repayment obligations, often at challenging interest rates.

Drawing parallels with Uganda, which has stricter anti-LGBT+ legislation, Tameklo pointed out that the IMF recently approved a significant financial package for Uganda despite its harsher laws. He criticized the finance ministry for its stance, suggesting it was akin to supporting pro-LGBT+ interests.

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Tameklo further accused President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of evading his constitutional duty by deferring the matter to the Supreme Court. He emphasized that Ghana's relationships with Western countries are based on mutual benefits and rejected the notion of Ghana being viewed as a dependent nation.

Highlighting the principle of Ghana Beyond Aid, Tameklo urged the president to sign the bill, asserting that it reflects the will of the majority of Ghanaians and safeguards the country's cultural values without discrimination.

Related To This: LGBTQ Bill is Contrary to Ghana’s Own Constitution, Do Not Pass it - UN to Gov't


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