John Mahama to Commence 'Building Ghana' Tour in Eastern Region Today

On January 30, 2024, former president John Dramani Mahama is scheduled to start a two-day tour of the Eastern Region under the banner of "Building Ghana." 

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer will participate in a variety of activities throughout the region as part of the tour, which is purposefully planned to promote stronger ties with the local populace.

Related To This: John Mahama to Embark on Building Ghana Tour Ahead of 2024 Presidential Campaign

The agenda will begin at Peduase Valley Resort with a meeting of the party's Regional Executive Committee and other interested parties. A polite visit to the Anum Manhene will come next, and then there will be a lively durbar of fishmongers and farmers in Frankadua Market Square.

Subsequently, a second durbar will be convened, this time bringing together transport unions and traders at the Roman Catholic Parish Hall in Agormenya, leading up to a pivotal town hall meeting at the GNAT Hall in Koforidua, the capital of the Eastern Region.

Related To This: John Mahama Meets TUC Officials As Part Of His Building Ghana Tour

The day's events will be rounded off with a special Campus Connect session at the SDA Training College. The second day of the tour will commence with a breakfast meeting with the clergy in Koforidua, followed by a courtesy call on the Koforidua Zongo Chief, along with various other engagements to wrap up the regional visit.


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