Use Emission Tax Funds to Support EPA - Professor Kofi Amegah

The University of Cape Coast's renowned environmental and nutritional epidemiology lecturer, Professor Kofi Amegah, has suggested that money from emission levies be used to support environmental protection organizations. 

During his February 1 appearance on The Pulse on JoyNews, Professor Amegah emphasized how vital it is to improve the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) capacity to efficiently track pollution levels and strengthen environmental conservation measures.

Professor Amegah emphasized the need to reallocate a portion of the proceeds from the emission tax in order to relieve the EPA's budgetary constraints, given its limited resources. He highlighted that such support would enable the acquisition of reference-based monitors, which, when installed in urban areas, can furnish essential data vital for formulating effective air pollution control policies. Additionally, the resulting data would inform climate action plans and serve as a foundation for vital health effect studies related to exposure data.

While expressing hope for the prudent utilization of these funds, Professor Amegah also expressed concern regarding the broader perspective on the emission tax. He signaled a necessity for clear government communication, emphasizing the imperative of demonstrating a purpose-driven approach to revenue collection and allocation. 

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He expressed apprehension about the potential misuse of these funds, cautioning against viewing the emission tax as merely another revenue stream without a corresponding investment in mitigating climate change and improving air quality.


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